Health & Safety

Everyone should be safe, secure and happy at work

Ensuring the health, safety, and wellbeing of our employees, partners, and wider supply chain is a top priority for us.


Zero Harm campaign

We introduced our Zero Harm campaign in 2016. Today, it is a defining culture of our business. In fact, we’re proud that we now lead the industry in health and safety. Our accident and injury record is second to none. But we won’t stop there. Our aim is to eliminate risks wherever possible and create an environment where everyone is safe at work.


Protecting lone and remote workers

At Wates, we do all we can to protect our lone workers too. That’s not just people who always work alone. It means all employees who are working away from their team, including those doing so remotely at home. To ensure the health and safety of our lone workers, we go beyond individual risk assessments.

We also offer a range of lone working devices and training to support their need. This includes using the PeopleSafe Lone Pro Worker App and their MySOS device which provides quick help in an emergency.


Improving employee wellbeing

We are becoming more aware of the impact of poor mental health – not only on individual people, but our company too. That’s why we’ve taken steps to support employee wellbeing inside and out. Employees should feel empowered to discuss their mental health.

To enable this, we’ve created safe spaces where people can discuss these issues. This includes setting up an employee Inclusion Network. We’ve also progressed to silver in the charity Mind’s ‘Workplace Wellbeing Index Awards’.  We encourage all our employees to complete a personal MyWellnessPlan too and continue to offer digital support through our partnership with Peppy Health.